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Playing music with Alexa

Follow these steps to play music on your Echo or other Alexa device.


  1. Go to your Voiceitt app and click on the Dictionary tab.  Turn the toggle at the top to Smart Home. 

    Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 10.45.49 AM
  2. Click the music scenario and click "Activate." 

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  3. Answer the questions. The first one is the name of your smart speaker. To find the name of your smart speaker:

    1. Go to your Amazon Alexa app.

    2. Then go to the devices tab along the bottom. Your device name will be listed there.

    3. Type it into your Voiceitt app, exactly the way it appears. For example, in the picture below, the name of the device is "Gabby's Echo Dot".

  4. Next, type in the name of your favorite music genre. This will create your first music commands.

  5. To create a new command, click the blue plus sign on the bottom right hand corner.

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    1. Type in what you would like to say and what you would like Voiceitt to send to Alexa. Do not write “Alexa” in the command.

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    2. For example, the input of the command may be “Play dance music” The output of the command should be “Play dance music on [Name of smart speaker]. 

      Make sure you always include the exact name of your Echo in music commands!

  6. Next, click the “try it” button. The command should go to Alexa and start playing music. 

  7. Click done and teach Voiceitt your unique pronunciation by training the command. Watch this video to learn!

  8. Once the command is unlocked, it is ready to use!